Patient Rights
The basic rights of human beings for independence of expression, decision and action, and concern for personal dignity and human relationships are always of great importance. The presence or absence of these rights during your hospital stay is even more critical, as it becomes a deciding factor in your recovery. McBride Orthopedic Hospital strives to assure that these rights are preserved for you...our patient.
McBride Orthopedic Hospital supports and protects the following rights of our patients:
Access to Care
Individuals shall be accorded impartial access to treatment or accommodations that are available or medically indicated, regardless of religion, race, color, age, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, disability or sources of payment for care. If a patient has need for services which are not available at McBride Orthopedic Hospital, he/she will be transferred to a facility capable of providing the needed services.
Respect and Dignity/Exercise of Personal Beliefs
You have the right to considerate, respectful care at all times and under all circumstances, with recognition of your personal dignity. McBride Orthopedic Hospital respects your spiritual and cultural needs and supports your right to exercise those beliefs that do not interfere with the well-being of others or with diagnostic or therapeutic procedures.
Privacy and Confidentiality
Patients' personal and informational privacy at McBride Orthopedic Hospital is highly respected.
You have the right:
- To refuse to talk with or see anyone not directly involved in your care, including visitors
- To be interviewed and examined in surroundings designed to assure reasonable privacy
- To have your patient health information accessed only by individuals directly involved in your treatment or in the monitoring of its quality, or by individuals authorized by you or your legal representative
- To expect all communications and other records pertaining to your care to be treated as confidential
- To request a transfer to another room if another patient or a visitor in the room is unreasonably disturbing you
Access to Medical Records
You have the right to inspect and obtain a copy of your medical records within a reasonable time frame and at a copying cost not to exceed that established by State Law.
Personal Safety and Security
You have the right to expect reasonable safety and security insofar as the hospital practices and environment are concerned. Please inform your nurse of anything you believe may be a safety hazard or risk in your care or in the environment. You have a right to be free from abuse, neglect, harassment or exploitation. If you feel you are being abused, neglected, harassed or exploited, please follow our complaint process. You have the right to be referred for protective and advocacy services, when indicated. You have the right to be free of restraints, unless medically necessary.
Identity and Professional Status of Practitioners
You have the right to know the identity and professional status of individuals providing service to you and to know which physician or other practitioner is primarily responsible for your care.
You have the right to consult with a specialist, at your request and at your own expense.
Communication/Notification of Admission
You have the right to have a family member or representative of your choice and your own physician notified promptly of your admission to the hospital. You have the right to have visitors and to communicate by telephone or by written communication with people outside the hospital. If for any reason restriction of communication is being considered, you will be included in the decision.
To meet the needs of our physically challenged customers, amplified hearing telephones, Telecommunications Devices for the Deaf (TDD), and other equipment are available, upon request. Please ask your nurse to contact the Communications Department or email the Patient Advocate:
When the patient does not speak or understand the predominant language of the community or is hearing or speech-impaired, the hospital will offer to make arrangements for an interpreter at the hospital's expense.
Consent and Informed Participation in Decisions
You have the right to self-determination and involvement in your care planning and treatment. You should receive a clear, concise explanation of your condition and of all proposed technical procedures and alternatives for care and treatment, including any risk of serious side effects and probability of success. You will not be subjected to any procedure without your voluntary, competent, and understanding consent or the consent of your legally authorized representative.
You have the right to information about the outcome of your care, treatment, and services including unanticipated outcomes.
You will be informed if the hospital proposes to engage in or perform human experimentation or other research/educational projects affecting your care or treatment and have the right to refuse to participate in any such activity.
You have the right to participate in ethical decisions that arise in the provision of your care and may refuse treatment to the extent permitted by law. The right of you and your legally designated representative includes the right to request the withholding or withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment. If treatment is refused, you have the right to be informed of the medical consequences of your decision. When refusal of treatment prevents the provision of appropriate care according to professional standards, the relationship with the patient may be terminated upon reasonable notice.
If the patient is a minor, or is unable to communicate his or her wishes regarding treatment, the patient's legally authorized representative, guardian, or family members have the right (to the extent permitted by law) to exercise decision making on behalf of the patient.
Pain Management
You have the right to receive information about pain and pain relief measures and to have appropriate pain assessments. You have the right to have your reports of pain responded to in a timely manner by concerned staff and access to the best level of pain relief that may be safely provided. Please discuss your pain management issues with your physician or nurse.
Advance Directives
You have the right to formulate advance directives consistent with Oklahoma law. This includes execution of a "Living Will" and/or Designation of a Health Care Proxy or Power of Attorney for Health Care, or execution of a Do Not Resuscitate consent form to guide the provision of care if you were to become incapacitated. The hospital will honor your advance directives, to the extent permitted by law, should you become incapable of decision-making. You are not required to execute advance directives and the hospital and its employees will not condition the provision of care or discriminate against you in other ways based on whether you have or have not executed advance directives. (Refer to information provided on advance directives).
Transfer and Continuity of Care
You may not be transferred to another facility or organization unless you have received a complete explanation of the need for the transfer and of the alternatives to such a transfer and unless the transfer is acceptable to the other facility or organization. You have the right to be informed by the practitioner responsible for your care, or his delegate, of your continuing health care needs following discharge from the hospital.
Patients have visitation rights which are subject to certain clinical restrictions and limitations. These rights include the right to receive, subject to the patient's consent, visitors designated by the patient, including but not limited to a spouse, domestic partner (including same-sex domestic partner), another family member, or a friend. The patient also has the right to withdraw or deny consent to any visitor at any time.
Hospital Charges and Right to Itemized Bill
Regardless of the payment source for your care, all patients or their legally appropriate representative will be provided an itemized copy of their charges upon request, either in person, by telephone, or in writing. Requests made by telephone or in writing will be acknowledged by the mailing of the itemized bill to the patient's address as listed on the patient record or to the guarantor address if the patient is a minor. Itemized billing is only provided to insurance payers upon request and only to payers listed by the patient. Please retain the copies for your records and for use in reconciling payment information from your insurance carrier.
Conflict Resolution/Problem Solving/Grievances
If a conflict arises between McBride Orthopedic Hospital and you and/or your family or guardians regarding admission, treatment, discharge, advance directives or other concerns, you have the right to have the issue addressed through the hospital's conflict/grievance resolution process. If you have a formal or informal complaint, we encourage you to speak to the supervisor/manager/director of the department involved so the matter can be resolved promptly. If your request cannot be resolved in a timely manner, ask for the issue to be referred to the Patient Advocate or Hospital Administration, allowing your grievance to be investigated. Within seven (7) days, all patients who have expressed a grievance will be provided with written notice of the steps taken on behalf of the patient to investigate the grievance, the results of the grievance process, the hospital's decision, and the date of completion. McBride Orthopedic Hospital has adopted an internal grievance procedure for prompt and equitable resolution of complaints alleging an action prohibited by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services regulations (45 C.F.R. Part 84), implementing Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended (29 U.S.C. 794). Section 504 states, in part, that no qualified handicapped person shall, on the basis of handicap, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefit of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity which receives or benefits from Federal financial assistance. The law and regulation may be examined in the office of the Administrator, McBride Orthopedic Hospital, 9600 Broadway Extension, Oklahoma City, OK who has been designated to coordinate the efforts of McBride Orthopedic Hospital to comply with the regulations. If you would like more information on these processes, please ask your nurse for a copy of the Discrimination Grievance Procedure Policy, or you may contact:
- McBride Orthopedic Hospital - Director of Quality Services: (405) 486-2587
- Oklahoma State Department of Health Medical Facilities - 123 Robert S Kerr, Suite 1702, Oklahoma City, OK 73012-6406: (405) 426-8470
- For Medicare Patients: Oklahoma Foundation for Medical Quality
515 Central Park Dr, Ste 101, Oklahoma City, OK 73105: (405) 840-2891
- Acentra Health Services (Medicare Beneficiary & Family Centered Care Quality Improvement Org.)
5201 West Kennedy Blvd, Ste 900, Tampa, FL 33609 | Toll Free: (888) 315-0636 | TTY: 711 | Toll Free Fax: (844) 878-7921
- The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights Centralized, Case Management Operations
200 Independence Ave, S.W., Suite 515F, HHH Bldg., Washington, DC 20201: (800)368-1019 | TDD: (800) 537-7697 |
You have the right to present complaints regarding any area of your hospital stay and the right to receive a response which addresses your concern. Your care will not be compromised and the hospital will not discriminate against you in any way if you exercise that right.
In fact, we want your hospitalization to be as comfortable as possible and want to meet your needs during your stay with us. For these reasons, we encourage you or your family members to inform us of any concerns or suggestions you have regarding any of the services or care provided by us during your hospitalization.
We provide several means through which you can voice your concerns to us:
Concerns Voiced Directly to Employees: You may voice a concern directly to an employee personally or by telephone. The employee will listen to your concerns and your concerns will be addressed as soon as possible.
Written Comments or Concerns: Written comments about any aspect of your stay can be sent via mail and addressed to the McBride Orthopedic Hospital Director of Quality Services. These comments can be given directly to an employee or mailed. Please help us identify jobs well done and/or opportunities for improvement.
Concerns Addressed to the Patient Advocate: The Patient Advocate is available to you when you wish to address a concern with a neutral party who is not directly involved in your care. Call (405) 486-2587.
After you have communicated your concern to us, it will be reviewed and if corrective action is feasible, it will be taken as soon as possible. You will be kept informed of the actions taken to address your concern.
McBride Orthopedic Hospital is a DNV Accredited Hospital. DNV provides five channels for submitting a hospital complaint:
Phone: (866) 496-9647
Fax: (281) 870-4818
Mail: DNV Healthcare USA Inc., ATTN: Hospital Complaints, 4435 Aicholtz Road, Suite 900, Cincinnati, OH 45245
Patient Responsibilities
In providing care, McBride Orthopedic Hospital also has the right to expect behavior, on the part of you as a patient and your relatives and friends, which is reasonable and responsible considering the nature of your illness.
McBride Orthopedic Hospital expects patients and their families to fulfill the following responsibilities:
Provision of Information
You have the responsibility to provide, to the best of your knowledge, accurate and complete information about present complaints, past illnesses, hospitalizations, medications, and other matters relating to your health and to report unexpected changes in your condition to your physician or nurse. You are responsible for reporting whether you clearly comprehend the planned course of action and what is expected of you. You are responsible for reporting anything you perceive as a risk in your care or safety to your charge nurse or physician.
Compliance with Instructions
You are responsible for following the treatment plan recommended by the practitioner primarily responsible for your care. This may include following the instructions of nurses and allied health personnel as they carry out the coordinated plan of care, implement the responsible practitioner's orders, and enforce McBride Orthopedic Hospital's rules and regulations.
Asking Questions
You and your family are responsible for asking questions of your physician or other health care practitioners when you do not understand what you have been told about your care or what you are expected to do. Please feel free to do this so you will be fully informed about your care and treatment.
Pain Management
You are responsible for helping your physician and nurse assess your pain and for reporting pain when it first begins. Please inform your physician or nurse if your pain is not relieved or if you have concerns about taking pain medication.
Refusal of Treatment
You are responsible for your actions and the consequences of your actions, if you refuse treatment or do not follow the practitioner's instructions.
Hospital Charges
You are responsible for assuring that the financial obligations of your health care are fulfilled as promptly as possible.
Hospital Rules and Regulations
You are responsible for adhering to McBride Orthopedic Hospital's rules and regulations affecting patient care, rights and conduct.
Tobacco Free Campus
You and your visitors are responsible for following McBride Orthopedic Hospital's Tobacco Free Campus policy, which prohibits smoking and other tobacco use (including electronic cigarettes) on hospital property. You may discuss alternatives to tobacco use with your physician or nurse.
Respect and Consideration
You are responsible for being considerate of the rights of other patients and hospital personnel and for assisting in the control of noise and the number of visitors. You are also responsible for being respectful of the property of other persons and of the hospital.
Revised: 03/21/25
Last Revised: 09/05/24